Local Dealer Transfers
For our out-of-state (non-TX) residents, we must transfer your firearm or NFA item purchase to a local dealer of your choice. We maintain a list of dealers who we have transferred to in the past. If you want to transfer to a dealer in our list, we highly suggest you contact them first to make sure they will accept the transfer and that you are comfortable with their transfer rate and doing business with them.
If your preferred local dealer is not in our list, please have your dealer send a copy of their FFL/SOT to [email protected]. Your dealer must have both an FFL and SOT to deal in NFA items. If your dealer does not have an SOT, we cannot transfer NFA items to them, so please be sure they have both before requesting them to send their information to us for NFA orders. Please also be sure to have your dealer reference your name and/or order number when sending their FFL/SOT via email.